Piratical Plunder Anniversary Membership: Bonus Bundle #4!

Complete your Pirate ensemble with this Pirate Hairstyle in NEW colors! Including Teal, Blonde, Brown and Red!

Embark on your next journey with these NEW exciting Pirate Outfits!

Summon your Shark from anywhere in the kingdom with your very own, Shark Summoning Amulet!

Store your treasures and all of your pirate booty in this hidden Treasure Cave!

Land Ho! This handy Telescope is sturdy, lightweight and perfect for all of your piratical travels!

Watch in breathtaking amazement as these skillful swashbucklers fight to the bitter end!

What mysteries lie beyond the shoreline? This ponderous pirate is contemplating her next big adventure!

Avast! No pirate’s crew is complete without an eagle eyed look out like this here matey!

This sparkling Treasure Chest Pin is just what every pirate needs!

When it came to divvying up the booty we know who got the lion’s share! ARRR!!

No secret treasure cave is complete without a refreshing tropical waterfall!

Place your treasure out in the open with this handy-dandy Pirate Item Entry Point!

This pirate bed has all the features a scallywag could want! From the secret pistol pocket to the instant release sword holder!

Also in the final Piratical Plunder Membership Bundle are Bonus items, including Pirate Torches, a Seagull post, a waving Jollyroger Flag, a bonus Enchantment: Shark Bait – 1 Star, and more!

Happy Anniversary!