King of the Road Anniversary Membership: Bonus Bundle #4!

Look the best in the hobo camp with these Hobo Hairstyles in NEW colors!  Including Teal, Blue, Blonde and Brown!

Expand your travelling suitcase with these outstanding ensembles!

Complete your wardrobe with these accessories!

What could be better than your very own Boxcar Guestroom?

This Blue Boxcar is what every hobo campsite needs!

If you make an interesting discovery whilst on your travels; you can spread the word to your hobo friends with this Good Place For a Hand-Out Pin!

Every hobo needs to wash their laundry; this collection of items will look terrific outside of your lean-to!

Pass the time with some chalk in hand and a nearby sidewalk; these chalk paintings are colorful, and brighten up any space!

Travel in comfort with these stylish Packsacks!

Play Kick-The-Can with your friends, using this handy-dandy kickable can!

Give your hobo lean-to a quick address with this metal license plate!

Also included in the finale bundle are extra Hobo Animatronic Alley Cats, Hobo Trash Cans, Metal Barrel Seats and Corrugated Iron!

Also in this week’s King of the Road Membership Bundle is a bonus Enchantment: Under Cover – 1 Star!

Happy Anniversary!